All Publications

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Making Digital Platforms Work for Women in Rural Agricultural Livelihoods

The primary objectives of this work were to understand how platform-specific responses can unlock social and economic value, identify best practices and provide guidance to key stakeholders to improve platform services for rural women.

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Women in Open-air and Cross-Border Trade In Kenya: Insights From the Financial Diaries Research

This report shares findings from a financial diaries research MFC conducted to enhance the quality and usage of digital financial services among female traders in Kenya.

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Gender and Cash In / Cash Out (CICO) Networks

This slide deck shows how to apply a gender lens to CICO network development and presents case studies that demonstrate how gender-intentional design works in practice.

Slide Deck

Financial Agency of Women in Pakistan

This study shares research findings on the barriers women in Pakistan face in accessing digital financial services (DFS).

Slide Deck

The Financial Agency of Women

Exploring behavioral archetypes in Kenya to understand barriers to digital financial services