All Publications

Showing 1 - 7 of 7
Case Study

SPM in Practice: Pro Mujer (Bolivia)

Reaching out to poor women through integrated services
Case Study

Case of Mixtlan Rural Cooperative, Mexico: Does Being Federated Help Remote Outreach?

Offering stability and outreach through member-owned federations
Case Study

Case of the “Jardín Azuayo” Savings and Loan Cooperative, Ecuador: A Governance Model for Rural Outreach

Demonstrating operational efficiency through decentralized governance structures
Case Study

Banco Solidario, S.A. - Recovery Strategy 2000-2004

How did BancoSol resurrect itself?
Case Study

Making Sense of the Commercialization of Microfinance in Latin America: Lessons for Nicaragua

What could Nicaragua learn from the experience of its peers?
Case Study

Corporate Governance and Depository Institutions Failure: The Case of an Emerging Market Economy

What causes depository institutions failure - Moral hazard or agency costs?