All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 10

Consumer Protection and Financial Literacy: Lessons from Nine Country Studies

Strengthening financial consumer protection and financial literacy in emerging markets

Microenterprise Development: USAID's Program Has Met Some Goals; Annual Reporting Has Limitations

Has the USAID been able to meet its microfinance objectives and reporting requirements?

Bulgaria Microfinance Assessment

Suggesting ways for USAID to contribute to the growth of its microfinance programs in Bulgaria

Bulgaria: Regulation No. 8 on the Capital Adequacy of Banks

Defining capital adequacy requirements for banks in Bulgaria

Law on the Bulgarian National Bank

Powers extended and greater role defined for the Bulgarian National Bank

Bulgaria: Cooperatives Act

An Act to regulate the cooperative sector of Bulgaria

Bulgaria: Regulation No. 11 on Liquidity Management and Supervision of Banks

Mechanism for liquidity management for the Bulgarian banks

Bulgaria Law on Banks

A look at the law that regulates the commercial banks of Bulgaria