All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 46

Situating Microinsurance in Social Protection: Lessons from Six Countries

Enhancing social protection through microinsurance

How Does Deposit Insurance Affect Bank Risk? Evidence from the Recent Crisis

Studying the effect of deposit insurance on bank systemic risk

Agricultural Decisions after Relaxing Credit and Risk Constraints

Identifying factors that contribute to investment decisions of smallholder farmers in Ghana

Risk Preferences and Demand for Insurance Under Price Uncertainty: An Experimental Approach for Cocoa Farmers in Côte d'Ivoire

Analyzing the relationship between farmers' demand for insurance and their risk aversion

Changing Role of Family Networks in Coping with Risk

Can microinsurance fill in the gap left by weakening family support to cope with risk?

The Effect of Microinsurance on Economic Activities: Evidence from a Randomized Natural Field Experiment

Promoting economic activity by protecting farmers from risks

Protecting the Poor through Community-Based Health Insurance

Identifying reasons for the success of community-based health insurance

Emerging Practices in Consumer Education on Risk Management and Insurance

Highlighting the importance of integrated consumer education in microinsurance