All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 17

Designing California’s Secure Choice Savings Program: Policy Considerations for Building an Automatic and State-Based Savings Platform

Addressing the policy issues in building an automatic and state-based savings program

Saving among Low-income Women: Motivation and Obstacles

Listing determinants of savings among low-income households

Saving in ADD: Measures from MIS IDA

Can the poor save?
Case Study

Employer-Based Homeownership Programs

Case Study: Community Empower, Corporate Housing Assistance Program

Program Costs for Individual Development Accounts: Final Figures from CAPTC in Tulsa

Cost effective approach towards saving in Individual Development Accounts
Case Study

The PayNet Deposit Program: Check Casher-Credit Union Partnerships and the Point of Banking Machine

Partnerships benefiting both the company and the consumer to increase access to financial services

Asset Accumulation in Low-resource Households: Evidence from Individual Development Accounts

How can assets accumulation help in poverty alleviation?