All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 69

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Law on Microcredit Organizations

This law specifies the provisions for the establishment and termination of microcredit organizations

Law on Microcredit Organizations of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Describing regulation for microcredit organizations

The Informalisation of the BiH Economy and the Role of the Microfinance Model

For the Economic Policy Research Unit Seminar "“Balkan economies: Studies on Non-Standard Phenomena”

Law on Microcredit Organizations

The law on microcredit organizations for the Serbian Republic

Poverty Scorecards: Lessons from a Microlender in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Are poverty scorecards good indicators of poverty?

Bosnia and Herzegovina: MFI Performance Trends 2003 - 2005

This report analyzes the performance trends in mature microfinance sectors

The Challenges of Measuring Client Retention

A technical note on the history of microfinance's effort to measure client retention and improve it