All Publications

Showing 591 - 600 of 609

Regulations of the Bank of Uganda: Policies and Guidelines for the Licensing of Financial Institutions

Licensing conditions for financial institutions defined in Uganda

The Banking Company Act (Amendment), (Bangladesh) 1993

Amendments to the Banking Company Act, 1991, of Bangladesh

Uganda: Regulation of the Bank of Uganda: Reporting Requirements from Banks to the Central Bank

Reporting requirements from banks to the Central Bank of Uganda

The Impact Of Laws and Regulations on Micro and Small Enterprises in Niger and Swaziland

Is regulation hindering the growth of micro and small enterprises in Niger and Swaziland?
Case Study

Apex Study of the Asociacion de Grupos Solidarios de Colombia

Is creating apex organizations a good strategy?

Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 1992 Concerning Banking

What are the guiding principles of banking laws in Indonesia?

Interpreting Financial Statements: Banking Institutions in Developing Markets, Vol 2

Best practices for the financial sector

Banking and FInancial Institutions Act 1991 (The United Republic of Tanzania)

Laws relating to the business of banking in Tanzania

Nigeria: Banks and Other Financial Institutions Decree, 1991

Decree regulating banking and other financial institutions in Nigeria