All Publications

Showing 1 - 8 of 8

Financing Low-income Borrowers in the Caribbean: Experiences from the Barbadian Microfinance Sector

Improving microfinance in the Caribbean region

Helping the Needy: Factors Influencing the Development of Microfinance in Barbados

What are the challenges faced by the microfinance sector within the Caribbean?

Feasibility Study for the Development of the Microfinance Sector in Israel

Examining potential to develop microfinance in Israel

Finance and Guarantees in Rural Development

Cooperatives and the essential triangle of production

Model of Secondary and Tertiary Cooperatives as Support of the Primary Cooperative

Assessing cooperative development in provision of credit, inputs and marketing

Microfinance Issues and Challenges in the Anglophone Caribbean

Why the emphasis should be placed on developing new products and methodologies to serve SMEs

Small Business Promotion and Microlending: A Comparative Assessment of Jamaican and Israeli NGOs

How much does institutional bureaucracy influence organisational outcomes?