All Publications

Showing 1 - 6 of 6

Connecting the Remittance Ecosystem in the Northern Triangle

This white paper examines the barriers and opportunities to boosting digital remittances in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.


Fintech Potential for Remittance Transfers: A Central America Perspective

This paper analyzes the potential for fintech to facilitate cheaper and more efficient remittances, and to enhance financial inclusion in Central America.


Integrating Remittance Recipients into the Financial Sector

Providing remittance recipients access to affordable financial services

Credit Union Remittance Services in Guatemala: Expanding the Access of Low-Income Remittance Recipients to Financial Institutions

Can credit unions succeed in inducting poor remittance recipients into the formal financial system?

Attracting Remittances: Practices to Reduce Costs and Enable a Money Transfer Environment

Presenting best practices for attracting remittances

Remittances and Markets: New Players and Practices

What are developmental advantages of remittances?