All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 20

Tajikistan Annual Benchmark Report

This report includes key financial and operational indicators that provide a country overview, indicator level performance and institutional details.


Using Qualitative Research to Assess Loan Impact: Lessons from the Aga Khan Agency for Microfinance (AKAM)

Findings from four country pilots of AKAM's monitoring, evaluation and learning framework

Making Women’s Work Visible: Finance for Rural Women

Designing financial products and services for rural women

Growing Potential: Microfinance-Plus Approaches for Cultivating the New Generation of Young Clients

Paper presented at the 2011 Global Microcredit Summit, November 14-17, 2011, Valladolid, Spain

The Market for MDO Deposit Services in Tajikistan

Analyzing deposits services in Tajikistan

Moral Hazard, Peer Monitoring, and Microcredit: Field Experimental Evidence from Paraguay

Is there a link between peer monitoring and group loan performance?

Credit Appraisal for Non-Banking Financial Organizations in Tajikistan

A manual on credit appraisals for non-banking financial organizations

Microfinance Institutions in Central Asia: Benchmarks and Analysis 2005

Impact that policy has had on the development of microfinance sector in the Central Asian republics

Intrahousehold Effects of Non-Price Credit Rationing

Can credit-based conflict between spouses affect the well being of the household?