All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 13

Insights into Financial Behavior and Knowledge of Children and Youth in Selected Countries from South-Eastern Europe

Survey findings on youth financial literacy, money management and attitudes

The Regional Financial Inclusion Landscape of Youth Bank Accounts: Selected Country Cases from Central and Eastern Europe

Analyzing available savings products and financial education programs for youth

How Can Microfinance for Housing, Land, and Infrastructure Catalyze Slum Improvements and New Settlements?

Paper presented at the 2011 Global Microcredit Summit, November 14-17, 2011, Valladolid, Spain

Consumer Protection and Financial Literacy: Lessons from Nine Country Studies

Strengthening financial consumer protection and financial literacy in emerging markets

Croatian Challenges with Microfinance

Defining the most appropriate microfinance for Croatia

Trade in Financial Services: Mobile Banking in Southern Africa

Providing a safe regulatory environment for cross-border branchless banking

Undermining Sustainable Local Economic and Social Development with Microfinance: Evidence from Croatia

Presented at the Conference "An Enterprise Odyssey: Tourism, Governance and Entrepreneurship," 2008

The Luanda Urban Poverty Programme

The LUPP work to meet poverty reduction strategy goal of halving poverty levels by 2015
Case Study

Cost-effective Client Assessment in a Small Microfinance Institution: The Experience of DEMOS in Croatia

How to provide better products/services and gain client loyalty?

Microfinance During and After Armed Conflict: Lessons from Angola, Cambodia, Mozambique and Rwanda

Examining environmental conditions, coping mechanisms and microfinance demand after conflict