All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 11

Demand and Supply Study Report on Climate and Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance in Kiribati

This report delves into the complex landscape of disaster risk financing, assessing both the demand and the supply side for effective insurance and financing tools to mitigate climate and disaster-related losses.


Strengthening Financial Resilience in the Pacific

This publication captures the lessons learned from implementing climate risk insurance solutions in the Pacific over the last two years.


Sector Proposals Following EIB’s Announced Support for Refugees

Summary of the microfinance situation in four European countries and five proposed lines of action

Fostering Gender Equality: Meeting the Entrepreneurship and Microfinance Challenge

Analyzing the entrepreneurial environment for women in European countries
Guide / Toolkit

Nurturing Immigrant Entrepreneurship: A Handbook for Microcredit and Business Support

On Immigrant micro-entrepreneurs, and the challenges and good practices in 6 European countries

Women and Microlending in Western Europe

What are the constraints to micro lending for women in Western Europe?

The Microfinance and Self-employment Environment for the Socially Excluded: Country Report Spain

What lessons can countries learn from Spain's experience with microfinance and self-employment?

Immigrants and Financial Services: Literacy, Difficulty of Access, Needs and Solutions - The Spanish Experience

How are Spanish banks reacting to the demand for financial services from immigrant populations?

Financial Sector Development in the Pacific DMCs - Volume 1: Regional Report

How can regional financial systems be strangthened and developed?

Financial Sector Development in the Pacific DMCs - Volume 2: Country Report

What are the constraints on financial deepening in the Pacific Islands?