All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 12

Pakistan Annual Benchmark Report

This report includes key financial and operational indicators that provide a country overview, indicator level performance and institutional details.


Pakistan Microfinance Review 2013

Discussing the performance of Pakistan's microfinance sector in 2013

Efficiency, Productivity, Risk and Profitability of Microfinance Industry in Pakistan: A Statistical Analysis

Assessing factors impacting the performance of microfinance providers in Pakistan

Antecedents of Market Orientation in the Microfinance Industry of Pakistan

Understanding the factors behind market orientation of MFPs

State of Microfinance in Pakistan

Analyzing Pakistan'’s microfinance sector

Innovations in Reducing Costs and Enhancing Productivity: Field Treasury Systems

Discussing internal factors that increase the cost of funds for MFIs and how to respond

Performance Indicators Report 2005

Examining financial literacy, benchmarks, and standards in the microfinance sector in Pakistan
Case Study

Factors of Success: A Comparative Study of Kashf Foundation and Grameen Bank

What are the key features that can make microfinance a success?

M-CRIL's Microfinance Rating - Risk Assessment - Urban Poverty Alleviation Program (UPAP) of NRSP

How does Pakistan's urban poverty alleviation program fare in M-CRIL's rating?
Case Study

The Lessons in Development: The AKRSP Experience

Proceedings from the International Conference organised by AKRSP along with DFID and CIDA, 2003