All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 11

Establishing a Financial Consumer Protection Supervision Department

Discussing guidelines and principles on designing financial consumer protection policy

Public Sector - Operated Price Comparison Websites: Case Studies and Good Practices

Providing guidance on operating price comparison websites

Fostering Gender Equality: Meeting the Entrepreneurship and Microfinance Challenge

Analyzing the entrepreneurial environment for women in European countries
Guide / Toolkit

Nurturing Immigrant Entrepreneurship: A Handbook for Microcredit and Business Support

On Immigrant micro-entrepreneurs, and the challenges and good practices in 6 European countries

Does History Matter? The Old and the New World of Microfinance in Europe and Asia

Can the current microfinance learn any lessons from the European and Asian history of microfinance?

Microfinance and Banks

Proceedings from the European Microcredit Conference: "Training Sessions and Workshop", Belgium

Microfinance and Famine: The Irish Loan Funds During the Great Famine

Sustaining MFIs during external shocks
Case Study

Organisational Review of Stromme Foundation

A performance assessment of Strømme Foundation and recommendations for its development efforts

Microcredit: What can we Learn from the Past?

How do European microcredit organisations' experiences in 1990s inform present initiatives?