All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 27

Financial Inclusion for Migrants and Refugees: Insights From Credit Unions

This report looks at the role credit unions play in supporting migrants and refugees in Brazil, Ecuador, Poland and the United States.


Open Banking and Inclusive Finance in the European Union: Perspectives From the Dutch Stakeholder Ecosystem

This working paper examines the impact of the revised Payment Services Directive and open banking platforms on inclusive finance in the EU, with a focus on the Netherlands' fintech ecosystem.

Case Study

Local Training Providers for Microinsurance Capacity Building

Lessons learned on developing high-quality and sustainable microinsurance training

Remittances Market in the Netherlands

Identifying steps to reduce the costs of transferring remittances in the Netherlands

Market Study: Microfinance in the Netherlands

Assessing the feasibility of a for-profit MFI

Microfinance, its Concepts and Development, Lessons to Draw for Europe

Drawing lessons from the success of microfinance initiatives in developing countries

Developing the Microcredit Market in Poland

Meeting the growing credit demand for microenterprises in Poland

Rural Finance Study

Examining support practices in rural finance

Microfinance for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene: An Introduction

Highlighting the case for financing water supply and sanitation projects through microfinance