All Publications

Showing 21 - 30 of 92

Livelihood Restoration through Microfinance

Rebuilding communities affected by tsunami through funding for microfinance

Microfinance Institutions in Sri Lanka

Presenting an overview of Sri Lanka'’s microfinance sector

Microfinance: Issues In the Current Context

Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka's address at a microfinance services seminar

Report on Savings Mobilization by Microfinance Institutions in Sri Lanka

Reviewing legal position of deposit taking practices of MFIs

Are Women More Credit Constrained? Experimental Evidence on Gender and Microenterprise Returns

Analyzing returns to capital in Sri Lankan microenterprises
Case Study

Innovations in Islamic Microfinance: Lessons from Muslim Aid's Sri Lankan Experiment

Highlighting the need for creativity in Sharia compliant poverty alleviation efforts

Microfinance Post-Tsunami

Framework to evaluate post-tsunami financing

Philanthropy and Law in South Asia: Recent Developments in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka

Examining regulation of non-profit sector and philanthropy in South Asia

Does Money Affect Happiness and Self-Esteem? The Poor Borrowers' Perspective in a Quasi-Natural Experiment

Examining effects of tsunami related income losses on microfinance borrowers