Showing 1 - 7 of 7 results
Women Agents for Financial Inclusion: Exploring the Benefits, Constraints, and Potential Solutions
This working paper explores the benefits of having more women agents, the challenges they face, and potential solutions to promote their participation in the DFS ecosystem.
Policy Framework on MSME Data Collection: A Guide for Gender Inclusive Finance
This Framework provides data collection guidance for MSME and gender inclusive finance, defines an extended set of MSME finance indicators, and shares best practices to advance financial inclusion for MSMEs.
Enabling Women’s Financial Inclusion Through Digital Financial Literacy
This brief helps unpack the different dimensions of digital financial literacy (DFL) and demonstrate why they should not be tackled in isolation as they are very much connected. It includes four case studies of organizations addressing DFL in their work in Cambodia, Bangladesh, and Ghana.
Spatial and Socio-economic Dimensions of Clients of Microfinance Institutions in Ghana
Improving MFI targeting in Ghana
Credit with Education Impact Review No. 1: Women's Empowerment
Has Freedom from Hunger's Credit with Education program actually helped empower its women clients?
Credit With Education: A Self-Financing Way to Empower Women
A new approach to empowering women
Access to Credit for Poor Women: A Scale-up Study of Projects Carried out by Freedom from Hunger in Mali and Ghana
Analyzing Freedom from Hunger's village banking program in Mali and Ghana