Guide / Toolkit

Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) for Business Development Services: Progress Report on Impact Indicators Survey

Is the "performance measurement framework" a useful tool to track the progress of a BDS program?
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This report analyzes the progress of a global initiative to identify valid and practical performance indicators for business development services (BDS) programs. It studies the working of six organizations that provide BDS services.The paper discusses:

  1. The characteristics and purpose of the performance measurement framework (PMF) and delves into:
    • Limitations of the research;
    • The question of identifying BDS programs that should use the PMF;
    • PMF resources and documents.
  2. The research process and presents:
    • Impact indicators and methodologies that the field research team tested;
    • The process the team underwent to reach its conclusions;
  3. The data resulting from the individual field-research organizations' studies and states that:
    • The organizations were able to collect and report data for all indicators, except the financial data;
    • The demographic data was very helpful;
    • The data on customer acquisition contributed to program assessment;
  4. The results of the research and argues that:
    • All six organizations were able to gather and present the required information;
    • The validity, usefulness and practicality of the different indicators varied significantly;
    • Demographic information was valid, useful and practical;
    • The customer satisfaction and repeat use questions provided useful data for improving services;
    • The employment data was weak and unreliable.

The paper recommends two key areas for conducting further research on BDS impact:

  • In-depth impact studies;
  • Tracking the application of the recommended indicators.

About this Publication

By McVay, M.