Guide / Toolkit

Making the Journey from Cash to Electronic Payments: A Toolkit for USAID Implementing Partners and Development Organizations

Providing guidelines for transitioning from physical cash to electronic payments
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This toolkit was created to highlight the advantages of replacing the use of cash by electronic payments (e-payments) and also to drive the growth of these services around the world. It aims to inspire and enable organizations to consider e-payments in their programs and operations. Based on growing evidence, the tool tries to demonstrate that e-payment services not only make financial transactions more affordable, efficient, and transparent, but also vest users with vital tools for smoothing consumption and create pathways toward meaningful financial inclusion. The toolkit provides guidance on the following sections:

  • Why e-payments are critical with a focus on the key benefits to adopting e-payments;
  • Identifying where and how an organization uses cash;
  • Estimating the financial and non-financial costs of using physical cash versus e-payments;
  • Determining the market readiness for using e-payments, including mobile money services;
  • Identifying alternatives to cash that a market provides and selecting a service provider;
  • Adjusting standard operation procedures and refining processes for a smooth transition;
  • Seeking buy-in, building internal capacity and commitment, establishing roles, and conducting an internal-test run using e-payments;
  • Training recipients to use e-payments;
  • Monitoring how well an e-payment system is being used and extending the use of e-payments more broadly.

About this Publication

By McNutt, H., Spencer, S., Willis, M.