Displaying 1 - 10 of 14

Key Considerations for Open Finance

Open finance frameworks have the potential to increase innovation, boost competition, empower customers, and deepen financial inclusion. However, they also introduce new risks that necessitate careful design and robust safeguards. As more countries explore or implement these frameworks, this research offer key considerations for designing effective and inclusive open finance frameworks.


UNSGSA Queen Máxima Visits the Philippines to Support Scaling Up Financial Services for Better Financial Health

The visit from 21-23 May 2024 will focus on advancing key foundational building blocks for financial inclusion—including connectivity, digital identification, and digital payments—as well as enhancing financial health and resilience against economic and climate-related challenges for Filipinos. 


Reaching Financial Equality for Women

This publication offers a 10-point action plan for governments, companies, and international organizations to help end women's economic exclusion.


Inclusive Green Finance: A Policy and Advocacy Approach

This report examines how access and usage of financial services can help build resilience in the face of climate shocks, while also providing opportunities to participate in green economic sectors, including agriculture, renewable energy, transport, and waste management.


Igniting SDG Progress Through Digital Financial Inclusion

This edition of SDG Progress provides extensive evidence-based examples of the benefits of digital financial services for the 13 relevant Sustainable Development Goals with a stronger focus on women and climate change.


Measuring Financial Health: Concepts and Considerations

This note provides financial sector policymakers with a discussion of the technical concepts relevant to financial health measurement. The purpose is to explain and demystify the various approaches for a non-technical audience, drawing on existing experiences and the state of the art.


UN Special Advocate Queen Máxima Announced as the 2021 Financial Health Visionary Award Recipient

The Award is given to individuals who have shown unparalleled leadership in building a more accessible and inclusive financial system, and who seek to continue to inspire and encourage the next generation of leaders to innovate new solutions for the financially underserved.


Reaching Financial Equality for Women

This 10-point action plan for governments and businesses shares practical steps to help end the continued economic exclusion of women through digital financial inclusion.