
Asia SME Finance Monitor 2013

Reviewing the SME sector and state of finance in countries across Asia and the Pacific
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This report is the inaugural volume of the annual Asia SME Finance Monitor. It is a knowledge sharing product on SMEs in Asia and the Pacific, specially focusing on SME access to finance. It reviews various country aspects of SME finance covering the banking sector, nonbank sector, and capital markets. The report supports the efforts of ADB's developing member countries to design a comprehensive range of policy options that promote innovative instruments and services in SME finance through the provision of timely and comparative data with in-depth analyses. The report's highlights include:

  • SMEs are the backbone of Asia's economies. Further development can support inclusive growth, employment, and the effort to overcome middle-income traps;
  • Poor access to finance limits the ability of SMEs to survive and grow. Further bank efficiency is needed;
  • Limitations of bank lending require diversified SME financing models;
  • Access to finance is a critical part of SME policies;
  • SME finance policies focus on bankability. More work is needed on nonbank financing;
  • SME finance policies should be addressed in a holistic manner that goes beyond already established ways.

About this Publication

By Akamatsu, N., Shinozaki, S., Fedosseyev, O. et al