All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 35
Slide Deck

Putting Agents to Use: Insights From a Multicountry Research on Customer’s Usage of CICO Agents

This report shares strategies for enhancing customer retention among cash-in and cash-out (CICO) agents.

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Understanding Users’ Experience With Digital Lending Applications in India

This slide deck shares the results of a survey conducted by MSC and FACE to analyze user knowledge and behavior regarding digital lending applications (DLAs) and digital loans.

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Understanding Customers in Environments of Severe Climate-Related Weather Events

This demand side study in Nigeria and Bangladesh aims to provide firsthand information about how vulnerable people build and lose resilience, as well as a close view of how they gather and spend funds to cope with a climate crisis.

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The Six Village Story – India: An Assessment of the Real Gap in Financial Inclusion

This study intends to unpack the on-ground status of financial inclusion in six villages in India.

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Women and Credit: Access to Credit for Micro and Small Female Entrepreneurs, Including Collective Enterprises in India

This report delves into micro and small women entrepreneurs’ credit journey exploring demand and supply-side factors and provides key recommendations to enhance access to credit for women entrepreneurs.

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Account Inactivity in India—Is There a Problem?

In this note, the authors discuss potential reasons for account dormancy and advocate a shift in approach to financial inclusion.

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Global Landscape: Data Trails of Digitally Included Poor (DIP) People

This reading deck puts a spotlight on the specific data trails generated by digitally included yet poor people, the sources of these data trails, and variations of data trails across different segmentations.

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Study to Assess the Role and Impact of Women Self-Help Groups as Banking Agents in Bihar​

This slide deck provides the main findings from a CGAP research exploring the role of gender in developing rural agent networks in Bihar State, India, through the State Government's Bank Sakhi Program.


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Can G2P Unlock Women’s Economic Empowerment? Evidence From Asia and Africa

This slide deck documents MSC's journey of evaluating key government-to-person (G2P) programs across Asia and Africa to understand how G2P payments impact women.

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Impact of Climate Change on Smallholders and Their Coping Strategies

This research dives into strategies that can help build smallholder farmers' climate resilience.