All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 13

The Impact of Mobile Money Interoperability on Financial Inclusion

This report assesses the impact of mobile money interoperability by considering the economic literature on interoperability more generally and utilizing a case study approach in five mobile money countries: Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda and Tanzania.


Policy Framework on MSME Data Collection: A Guide for Gender Inclusive Finance

This Framework provides data collection guidance for MSME and gender inclusive finance, defines an extended set of MSME finance indicators, and shares best practices to advance financial inclusion for MSMEs.


Microfinance Regulation in Seven Countries: A Comparative Study

A study of microfinance regulation in Latin American, East Asian and Sub-Saharan African countries

Comparative Review of Microfinance Regulatory Framework Issues in Benin, Ghana and Tanzania

Is regulation of microfinance as important as it is made out to be?

Guidelines for Rural Banking License

Prerequisites for a rural banking license in Ghana

Microfinance Regulation: Lessons from Benin, Ghana and Tanzania

What is the connection between regulation and the development of MFIs?

Ghana Banking Act 2004

Consolidation of the banking laws in Ghana

Rural and Microfinance Regulation in Ghana: Implications for Development and Performance of the Industry

Has microfinance regulation in Ghana benefited the industry?

A Framework for Regulating Microfinance Institutions: The Experience of Ghana and the Philippines

How does a country's legal and regulatory framework affect the sustainability of microfinance?

Ghana: Banking Law 1989 (PNDCL 225)

How is the Banking Law in Ghana structured?