All Publications

Showing 1 - 8 of 8

Graduation Model Event: Overview of Discussions

Research findings and discussion points from graduation programs in Burundi and Rwands
Guide / Toolkit

The Business Skills Training Guide

A 17-point rule book for income-generating activities from Rwanda's graduation program

The Returns to Cash and Microenterprise Support Among the Ultra-Poor: A Field Experiment

Evaluating the effects of an ultra-poor program in Uganda

Financial Graduation Feasibility Study

Assessing the scope of developing a market-led financial graduation model in Northern Kenya

Tackling Ultra-Poverty through the Graduation Approach

Situating Sustainable Livelihoods in the Landscape of Social Protection and Safety Nets

Pathways out of the Productive Safety Net Programme: Lessons from Graduation Pilot in Ethiopia

Lessons Learned from the Graduation Pilot in Ethiopia

Graduating Out of Extreme Poverty: Who Succeeds?

Identifying factors that help microfinance clients graduate out of poverty