All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 13

Romania: Law Regarding Microfinancing Commercial Companies

How does the Romanian Parliament regulate the operation of microfinancing commercial companies?

Romania: Ordinance No. 28 of 26 January 2006

A law for nonbank financial institutions in Romania

Romania: Emergency Ordinance No. 136 of 18 October, 2001

Amendment to the National Bank of Romania Act

Regulation No. 6 of 24, July 2002 on Reserve Requirement

Decree on maintenance of reserves by financial institutions in Romania

Romania: Law No. 357 of 6 June, 2002

Emergency ordinance to amend and supplement law no.58/1998 -The Banking Act

Emergency Ordinance No. 137 of 18 October 2001

The amendments and supplements to the Act no. 58 The Banking Act

Romania: Emergency Ordinance No. 138 of 18 October, 2001

Amendment in the Bank Insolvency Act of Romania

Government of Romania Decision

Ordinance to benefit the mine-affected people with credit

Ordinance on Licensing Credit Agencies to Manage Funding For Micro-Credit

Guidelines for licensing microcredit agencies for loan disbursement

LAW No. 101 of 26 May 1998 on the Statute of the National Bank of Romania (The NBR Act)

The legal guidelines governing the activities of the National Bank of Romania