All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 876

Beneficiary Experience of Digital Government-to-Person (G2P) Payments in Bangladesh, Colombia, and the Philippines

This study explores consumers' experience  with digital cash transfers, and supports policy recommendations to improve the effectiveness of G2P payments and future financial  inclusion.


Finance in Displacement: Joint Lessons Report

This study brings to light the challenges forcibly displaced persons face in accessing economic opportunities and puts forth a financial health framework for measuring progress against these challenges.

Case Study

How Providers Can Build Products That Improve Financial Health: Examples From Mexico and Chile

This paper shares the key challenges, learnings, and overall results from five case studies in Chile and Mexico, uncovering best practices on how to design for and influence financial health.


Seguros Futuro: Growth of El Salvador’s Only Cooperative Insurer

This brief demonstrates the growth of Seguros Futuro and its new parametric insurance product.


Determinants of Financial Well-Being: Evidence from Latin America

This paper provides a baseline measurement of financial well-being in Latin America and studies the factors associated with it.


Fintech and Financial Inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean

This paper analyzes how governments can leverage rapid expansion of fintech activities to drive financial inclusion in the region.


Understanding Micro- and Small-Growth Entrepreneurs in Vietnam, Pakistan and Peru

This report provides an overview of "the current state of strivers" across these countries with an aim to understand the emerging unmet needs through market assessments.


Where Are the Unbanked in Belize?: Using Machine Learning Small Area Estimation to Improve Financial Inclusion Geographic Targeting

This study aims to contribute to the efficient and effective implementation of Belize's National Financial Inclusion Strategy by identifying the geographical areas where unbanked people live and analyzing the factors that influence the use of financial services and instruments.


COVID-19: Crisis as Opportunity for Urban Cash Transfers?

Based on a literature review and case studies of various urban cash transfer schemes in response to the COVID-19 crisis, this paper explores the successes and challenges of implementing cash transfers in urban settings in response to a large, covariate shock.


Designing Digital Payments for Mexican Women Entrepreneurs