All Publications

Showing 11 - 20 of 43

Group Lending or Individual Lending? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment in Mongolia

Comparing the effectiveness of group and individual lending in reducing poverty in rural Mongolia
Case Study

Validation Report: Rural Finance Project (Mongolia)

Reviewing efforts to improve financial access

Savings and Financial Education for Girls in Mongolia: Impact Assessment Baseline Study

Gathering data on girls' knowledge of, comfort with, and ability to control banking products
Case Study

Product Development for Girls: Girls' Saving and Financial Education

Transforming savings behaviour of low-income girls

Microfinance Regulation and Supervision in Mongolia

Analysis and recommendations for improving the performance of the microfinance sector in Mongolia
Case Study

Managing Agricultural Risk at the Country Level: The Case of Index-based Livestock Insurance in Mongolia

Designing a sustainable livestock insurance program

Information and Communication Technology and Microfinance: Options for Mongolia

Analysis of four possible Information and Communication Technology solutions in Xacbank, Mongolia

Participatory Poverty Assessment in Mongolia

How to incorporate qualitative aspects of poverty while designing poverty reduction programs?

Regulation on Central Bank Refinancing

This regulation defines the regulatory framework for the Bank of Mongolia

Temporary Regulation on Issue of Guarantees by Banks

Regulation for issuing payment guarantees by banks for third party persons