All Publications

Showing 71 - 80 of 84

The Microcredit Strategies for SMES in Turkey in the EU Harmonization Process

Analyzing applicability of EU microcredit facilities in Turkey

Financing Technology Entrepreneurs & SMEs in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities

Examining challenges of accessing growth capital for SMEs

Finance for Development: Improving Access to Financial Services for Sustainable SMEs in Africa

Proposing interventions for a sustainable small and medium industries sector in Africa

Desktop Study: SMEs and Poverty Reduction

Can the development of small and medium enterprises bring about poverty reduction?

Synergies Through Linkages: Who Benefits from Linking Finance and Business Development Services?

Costs and benefits in linking finance and business development services for micro/small enterprises
Case Study

Expanding the Benefits of Cooperation for SMES

How can Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) best contribute to economic growth in the APEC region?

E-Finance and Small and Medium-size Enterprises (SMEs) in Developing and Transition Economies

Can e-finance strengthen small and medium enterprise initiatives?