All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 10

Microfinance Regulation: Lessons from Bolivia, Peru and the Philippines

Highlighting good practices in microfinance regulation and supervision

The New Regulation Framework of Bolivian NGO Microfinance Institutions: Perceptions on Risk Management, Solvency and Social Performance

Evaluating Bolivian NGO MFIs in a regulated environment

Microfinance Regulation in Seven Countries: A Comparative Study

A study of microfinance regulation in Latin American, East Asian and Sub-Saharan African countries

Supervising and Regulating Microfinance in the Context of Financial Sector Liberalization: Lessons from Bolivia, Colombia and Mexico

How can regulations help the growth of microfinance sector?

Principles and Practices for Regulating and Supervising Microfinance

How to supervise microfinance institutions?

Regulatory and Supervisory Mechanism for MFIs in Bolivia

How are Bolivian MFIs regulated?

Philippine Credit Policy and Microfinance Institutions: Some Lessons from the Latin American Experience

Have subsidized credit programs in developing countries eased small-scale borrowers' pressures?

Bolivia: Supreme Decree No. 24,000

What are the laws that regulate 'private financial funds' in Bolivia?

How Legal Restrictions on Collateral Limit Access to Credit in Bolivia

The need for a reform of collateral law