All Publications

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Scaling Parametric Insurance in Pacific Small Island Developing States Through Meso- Level Solutions

This publication focuses on promoting meso-level insurance products designed for development banks, microfinance institutions, provident/pension funds, associations, and cooperatives through the UNCDF-led Pacific Insurance and Climate Adaptation Programme.


Assessing Digital and Financial Literacy in Vanuatu: Survey on Knowledge, Skills and Access

This Survey in Vanuatu is meant to assess the current state of digital and financial literacy within the country exploring experiences with traditional and digital financial services to-date, in addition to assessing basic competencies in the areas of digitization and finance.

Guide / Toolkit

Disaster Risk Finance Strategy: Guideline for Pacific Island Countries

This guideline provides a step-by-step account of how Pacific Island countries can develop national Disaster Risk Financing strategies.


Strengthening Financial Resilience in the Pacific

This publication captures the lessons learned from implementing climate risk insurance solutions in the Pacific over the last two years.


Social and Solidarity Economy: Social Innovation Catalyst in Africa?

The report highlights internal and external factors impacting social and solidarity economy organizations in their social innovation process and presents a set of policy recommendations to unlock their potential.


Pacific Insurance and Climate Adaptation Programme: Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Strategy

This report describes PICAP’s approach towards achieving and mainstreaming gender equality and social inclusion to ensure that women and the most vulnerable are fully represented in climate disaster risk financing products (e.g., parametric insurance).


Financial Education Initiatives in the Arab Region: A Stocktaking Report

Status of financial education in eight selected countries in the Arab region

Financial Services Demand Side Survey Vanuatu

Baseline information on access, usage and quality of available financial services

Financial Inclusion in Tunisia: Low-Income Households and Micro-Enterprises Snapshot – September 2015

Strategies and challenges for financial inclusion in Tunisia

Creating Access to Agricultural Finance: Based on a Horizontal Study of Cambodia, Mali, Senegal, Tanzania, Thailand and Tunisia

Resource from the Agriculture Finance Support Facility (AgriFin)