All Publications

Showing 1 - 9 of 9

Report of Human Resource Management in Microfinance Institutions: The State of Practice

Identifying human resource management challenges in the Indian microfinance sector

Field Staff Compensation at Indian MFIs: A New Perspective on the Crisis in Andhra Pradesh

Analyzing the relationship between compensation paid to field staff of MFIs and their performance

Rethinking Staff Incentives: An Experience from India

Examining staff incentive systems of MFIs
Guide / Toolkit

Customer's Rights and Responsibilities

How can MFI staff inform clients of their rights and responsibilities?

Capacity Building: Needs and Challenges in India

Highlighting new challenges that Indian MFIs need to address

The Single Biggest Challenge for Microfinance

Challenges in training and capacity building for MFIs

HR Challenges in Microfinance

How does the poor quality of human resources affect a microfinance organization?

Staff Incentive Schemes - The International Experience

Do staff incentives work?