All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 41

Poverty Alleviation and Interhousehold Transfers

Evidence from BRAC's Graduation Program in Bangladesh

No Household Left Behind: Afghanistan Targeting the Ultra Poor Impact Evaluation

Effect of the "Targeting the Ultra Poor" program on the well-being of poor households

Pathways out of Poverty: Findings from a Quasi-experimental Evaluation of Trickle Up's Graduation Program in India

Qualitative analysis of Trickle Up's poverty alleviation approach

Tackling Ultra-Poverty through the Graduation Approach

Situating Sustainable Livelihoods in the Landscape of Social Protection and Safety Nets

Substitution Bias and External Validity: Why an Innovative Anti-Poverty Program showed No Net Impact

Analysis of RCT results of an anti-poverty program in India

Can Basic Entrepreneurship Transform the Economic Lives of the Poor?

Can transfer of assets and skills enable the poorest women to shift into running small businesses

Trickle Up ULTRA POOR PROGRAMME Qualitative Assessment of Sustainability of Programme Outcomes

Qualitative Assessment of Trickle Up's Ultra Poor Program

Productive Safety Nets for Women in Extreme Poverty: Lessons from Pilot Projects in India and Pakistan

SOAS Discussion Paper: Analyzing Programme Implementations in West Bengal, India and Sindh, Pakistan