All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 136

Open Banking and Inclusive Finance in the European Union: Perspectives From the Dutch Stakeholder Ecosystem

This working paper examines the impact of the revised Payment Services Directive and open banking platforms on inclusive finance in the EU, with a focus on the Netherlands' fintech ecosystem.

Case Study

Climate Risk Insurance for the Agriculture Sector in Armenia

This case study details specific conditions that make Armenia’s agricultural sector vulnerable to climate change, and steps that the Central Bank of Armenia has taken to cope with the effects of a warming climate.


Of Mice and Unemployed: Rethinking Micro-enterprise and Small Business Policies in the EU

Exploring the complex relationship between firm size and job creation

The Social Investment Package

Evaluating the Social Investment Package adopted by the European Commission

Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance in Albania

Discussing issues in microfinance regulation

Republic of Armenia: Consumer Credit Law

This law regulates relations pertaining to credit agreements

Republic of Armenia: Law on Attracting Deposits

This law pertains to regulating bank deposits from households in Armenia

Social Investment for Community Development: Completing the Half-built House

Outlines steps to build the social investment marketplace.