All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 35

Land Titling and Microcredit in Cambodia

This paper explores the neoliberal-oriented theory of change based on the possession and use of private individual land titles by the poor. The theory is tested in Cambodia, where the development of the microcredit sector has been facilitated by the extensive use of land titles as collateral.


Where Credit is Due

Results from seven randomized evaluations of the impact of microcredit

Six Randomized Evaluations of Microcredit: Introduction and Further Steps

Evaluating the impact of microcredit on borrowers in six countries

Microfinance Loans to Increase Sanitary Latrine Sales - Evidence from a Randomized Trial in Rural Cambodia

Exploring the impact of offering MFI loans for latrines in Cambodia

Perspectives on Risk Management from a Policy Bank

Assessing the risks faced by the Chinese microfinance sector

Rural-Based Development and Potential for Enhanced Credit Access in Modern China

Studying the prospects for enhanced rural credit access in China

Microfinance in Rural and Urban Thailand: Policies, Social Ties and Successful Performance

How do social ties and compulsory savings impact repayment rates?

Costs and Benefits of Health Microinsurance Premium Loans and Linkages with Health Providers: CARD's Experience in the Philippines

What is the financial impact of CARD’s health protection schemes on the MFI itself?

Microfinance in China

Presenting the current and possible future states of microfinance within China