All Publications

Showing 391 - 400 of 422

Discrimination in Installment Lending By Retailers of Consumer Durables in Apartheid South Africa

Are black households discriminated against in the supply of hire purchase loans?

From Ends to Means: Savings and Credit as a Means to Community Mobilisation, People's Power and Housing Finance

People’'s Dialogue Report of “ACHR/TAP Workshop, Bombay”, 25 Sept-19 Oct 1996, Bombay, India

Households, Microenterprises, and Debt

Examines the role of debt as a component of household and microenterprise strategies

Micro-Enterprise Support: A Critical Review

Summarizing learning in the field of microenterprise support
Guide / Toolkit

Microcredit in Transitional Economies

Examples and lessons for effective planning and implementation of microcredit programmes

Microcredit Programmes: Who Participates and to What Extent?

Investigating the participation of non targeted households.

Prospects, Problems and Potential of Credit-Granting NGOs

Can NGOs be regarded as ideal providers of credit to small and micro businesses?
Case Study

Sustainability of a Government Targeted Credit Program: Evidence from Bangladesh

How can results such as those of the Grameen Bank and BRAC be achieved?

Rural Women's Access to Credit and Extension: A Strategy for Change

How can rural women gain access to key resources?

Credit Unions as Channels of Micro-credit Lines: The Philippine Case

Have anti poverty initiatives been successful?