Showing 11 - 18 of 18

Why the Economic Response to COVID-19 Needs to Be Financially Inclusive and Gender Sensitive

Steps policymakers and regulators can take to advance women’s financial inclusion


Digital Cash Transfers in Times of COVID-19

Opportunities and considerations for women's inclusion and empowerment


Advancing Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion

10 policy options to improve women's economic participation

COVID-19 and the Insurance Industry: Why a Gender-Sensitive Response Matters

Advice intended to assist IFC clients and partners in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic

Women’s Access to Cash Transfers in Light of COVID-19: The Case of Pakistan

How to ensure more women are able to access emergency cash programs

A Majority of India’s Poor Women May Miss COVID-19 PMJDY Cash Transfers

This brief  discusses some ideas for how to increase access to the social safety net during a crisis.


COVID-19 Could Condemn Women to Decades of Poverty

Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s and girls’ economic justice and rights

Gender Implications of COVID-19 Outbreaks in Development and Humanitarian Settings

This brief considers the potential impact of the global pandemic on health, food security and nutrition, and economic well-being of women and girls.