
An Evaluation Study of Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions in Yemen

Findings and recommendations to enhance efficiency of microfinance institutions in the country
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This paper is intended to evaluate the efficiency of microfinance institutions in Yemen in terms of loan officer productivity and operational self-sufficiency. The study is based on empirical method. The study focused on 11 microfinance institutions operating in Yemen. The data collected was based on both primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected using questionnaire, open-end interviews, while the secondary data was collected from books, microfinance institutions websites, annual reports, social fund for development (SFD) annual reports, Yemen Microfinance Network (YMN), etc.

The main findings of the study were that most microfinance institutions in Yemen are inefficient in terms of loan officer productivity and operational self-sufficiency. The study presented valuable recommendations and suggestions based on the findings of the study to strengthen, enhance & improve the efficiency of microfinance institutions in the country.

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By Eissa Hasan AboHulaika