All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 27
Case Study

Informed Design: A Case Study Series (Tyme Group)

This is one of several case studies looking at the role of design in digital financial services (DFS) for women focusing on examples where research findings have translated into design that has eased and encouraged women’s use of DFS.


How Can Financial Services Support Platform Work? Insights from Five Emerging Markets

Based on research with platforms and their workers across five countries, this report describes the platform ecosystem in emerging markets, the experiences of workers and sellers in key sectors, and how financial services can help these workers improve their livelihoods.

Slide Deck

Women in the Platform Economy: Emerging Insights

This slide deck shares female workers’ experiences and how financial services can help make platforms more inclusive.


Credit on the Cusp: Strengthening Credit Markets for Upward Mobility in Africa

How credit can help support the emergence of a middle class

Achieving Scale and Efficiency in Microinsurance Through Retail and Banking Correspondents

Exploring alternative distribution channels to extend the reach of insurance

Regaining Momentum? Update on Microinsurance in South Africa

Assessing the state of the microinsurance industry in South Africa

Credit Life Insurance in South Africa: The Customer’s Perspective

Evaluating the credit life insurance sector in South Africa
Case Study

Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities in Promoting Savings Among Low-Income Individuals in Lesotho, Malawi, and South Africa

Providing recommendations to enhance savings among low-income individuals

The Study of the Emergence of Low Cost Bank Branches in South Africa

Discussing strategies that can be adopted by banks to serve entry-level markets in South Africa

Taking Stock: Financial Education Initiatives for the Poor

Increasing outreach through financial education