All Publications

Showing 1 - 7 of 7

Final Impact Evaluation of the Saving for Change Program in Mali, 2009-2012

Examining the impact of a savings group program in rural Mali

"Saving for Change" Impact Stories

How have savings groups helped the poor tackle social issues?

Baseline Study of Saving for Change in Mali: Results from the Segou Expansion Zone and Existing SFC Sites

Analyzing the impact of savings on poor women'’s lives

Measuring Transformation: Assessing and Improving the Impact of Microcredit

Promoting a new paradigm for impact assessment
Case Study

Practioner-Led Impact Assessment: A Test in Mali (Part I)

Lessons from Mali: How tools to track the impacts of microenterprise programs work in the field
Case Study

Practitioner-Led Impact Assessment: A Test in Mali (Part II)

Tracking the impacts of microenterprise programs