All Publications

Showing 1 - 7 of 7

Literature Review: Micro and Small Enterprise (MSEs’) Financing in Kenya, Uganda and India

The Literature Review delves into the landscape of women-owned nano and micro-enterprises in India, Kenya, and Uganda, summarizing the existing knowledge and gaps, with the aim of unlocking more capital and effectively meeting these enterprises' financial and non-financial needs.


The Ultimate Balancing Act: Investor Confidence and Regulatory Considerations for Microfinance

How can regulators build investor confidence in microfinance?
Case Study

Donor Collaboration and Transparency: Standardized Donor Reporting in Uganda

How to create a joint reporting format at the national level?
Case Study

Case Study of DFCU Leasing Company - Uganda

How can leasing finance help small and medium enterprises in Uganda?

Taking E-Finance to the Micro Level

Applying technology to microfinance

Apex Microfinance Institutions: A Review of Their Record

Examining the resaons why apex organizations have performed disappointingly