All Publications

Showing 1 - 9 of 9

The Returns to Cash and Microenterprise Support Among the Ultra-Poor: A Field Experiment

Evaluating the effects of an ultra-poor program in Uganda

Stimulating Microenterprise Growth: Results from a Loans, Grants and Training Experiment in Uganda

Examining the effects of financial support interventions on micro and small enterprises

Discrimination by Microcredit Officers: Theory and Evidence on Disability in Uganda

Discussing mechanisms for mitigating microcredit discrimination

Microfinance in East Africa: Schemes for Women in the Coffee Sector

Overview of savings and credit landscape for women

Equipment Finance for Small Contractors in Public Work Programmes

Small companies' constraints tendering for public work contracts in developing countries

Supervision and Support of High-quality Group-based Nonformal Education Services: Use of Observation Checklists in Supervision

A detailed description of Freedom from Hunger's Credit with Education program

Village Banking Dynamics: Evidence From Seven Programs

Do client loans grow or stagnate over time?
Guide / Toolkit

Credit with Education Learning Game

How to train to start a credit association?