All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 35
Case Study

Weathering the Storm II: A Case Study of Vitas Palestine

Lessons learned from previous crises to help with future crisis responses


Financial Education Initiatives in the Arab Region: A Stocktaking Report

Status of financial education in eight selected countries in the Arab region
Case Study

Fostering Resilience in the Middle East: A People Centered Approach to Risk Reduction

Case studies from Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon on reducing disaster risk

Uzbekistan 2009: Microfinance Analysis and Benchmarking Report

Examining key trends in Uzbekistan’'s microfinance sector

Financial Inclusion in the Middle East and North Africa: Analysis and Roadmap Recommendations

Improving financial access through microfinance

A Simple Poverty Scorecard for Palestine

A scorecard to estimate poverty rates and track changes in them over time in Palestine
Case Study

A Successful Nonprofit MFI Considers Commercialization

Do the benefits of commercialization outweigh the threat of mission drift?

Microfinance in Uzbekistan: Market Overview and Impact Assessment Needs

Tracking the development of microfinance in Uzbekistan

Mobile Money Study: West Bank & Gaza

How does branchless banking facilitate access to financial services?