All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 76

Establishing a Financial Services Ombudsman in Mongolia: Experiences and Lessons From Armenia, Australia, and Singapore

This paper shares insights from three long-standing financial alternative dispute resolution systems in Armenia, Australia, and Singapore with a goal to help strengthen financial consumer protection in Mongolia and other countries.


Technical Needs Assessment Among Entrepreneurial Households and Micro-/Smallholder Farmers in the Agricultural Production and Processing Sector in Armenia

The aim of the study is to get deeper understanding of the key challenges that entrepreneurial households and micro-/smallholder farmers in agricultural production and processing sector in Armenia experience in the long-run.

Case Study

Climate Risk Insurance for the Agriculture Sector in Armenia

This case study details specific conditions that make Armenia’s agricultural sector vulnerable to climate change, and steps that the Central Bank of Armenia has taken to cope with the effects of a warming climate.


Employment Effects in Impact Investments: Key Insights Emerging Across Studies in Tanzania and in Zimbabwe

The analysis concludes that the investments as part of the joint ILO-EU STRENGHTEN Project triggered an increase in employment numbers along with improved skills of the labor force, management systems of the investee companies, and labor practices.


Measuring Progress: Financial Inclusion in Selected SADC Countries

Working methodology in measuring and evaluating the impact of national financial inclusion strategies


Financial Literacy for Migrants - Mapping and Needs Assessment

Assessing financial literacy needs of key target groups involved in migration processes

The Study of the Financial Capability of Population in Armenia 2019

Measuring the progress made in assessing financial capabilities of Armenia’s population

Experiences in Gender-Sensitive Solutions to Collateral Constraints

How the use of non-conventional collateral can contribute to improved access to affordable credit
Case Study

A Client Needs-Centred Approach to Financial Inclusion Measurement

Understanding how and why customers use different types of financial services
Case Study

A Client Needs-Centered Approach to Financial Inclusion Measurement

Innovative financial inclusion data framework focused on customers financial needs