All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 26

Lessons from Farming Households: Agricultural Decision Making and Shifting Social Norms for Women’s Economic Empowerment

What are the operational implications for encouraging greater engagement of women in agriculture and finance?

Executive Summary – CGAP National Surveys of Smallholder Households

Key data from six surveys compiled in a series of easy-to-reference charts and tables
Case Study

Rural Finance: Insights From Three Continents

Sharing experiences on sustainable rural finance in Morocco, Nicaragua and Bangladesh
Case Study

Impact Assessment of Credit Programme for the Tenant Farmers

Analyzing the relationship between interventions and outcomes of BRAC’s program for tenant farmers

Impact of Microcredit on Agricultural Farm Performance and Food Security in Bangladesh

Examining microcredit as a crucial factor for sustainable development of the agricultural sector

Technical, Economic and Allocative Efficiency of Microfinance Borrowers and Non-borrowers: Evidence from Peasant Farming in Bangladesh

Assessing the impact of microfinance on the efficiency of farmers

Effect of Microfinance Operations on Poor Rural Households and the Status of Women

Evaluating impact of microfinance projects

We Were In Fire, Now We Are In Water: Micro-Credit and Gender Relations in Rural Bangladesh

The role of microcredit in empowering women

A Comparative Study of Fertilizer Credit in Bangladesh

Agribusiness: Vendor Financing in Input Markets