All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 12

Digital Cash Transfers for Emergency Response: Lessons From Cameroon

This research shares findings from an evaluation in 2021 documenting lessons learned from digital government-to-people (G2P) payments to eighty thousand beneficiaries, mostly women, in Cameroon.


Improving Humanitarian Payments Through Digital Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities

This report offers research-based analysis and practical advice for humanitarian agencies on the advantages and areas for growth of five key financial technologies in digital payments: mobile money, artificial intelligence, distributed ledger technology (i.e. blockchain), super platforms and QR codes.


Digital Finance & the COVID-19 Crisis

Can digital finance help to overcome the immediate challenges presented by the pandemic?

Navigating the Shift to Digital Humanitarian Assistance

Lessons from the International Rescue Commitee’s Experience

Mobilising Cash and Voucher Assistance Programmes: The Case for Mobile Money

Recommendations for effective and efficient use of mobile money in humanitarian contexts

Paving the Way for Digital Financial Services in Jordan: Market and Regulatory Assessment of Payments and Remittances

Studying the developmental impact of remittances in countries with humanitarian crises

Landscape Report: Mobile Money, Humanitarian Cash Transfers and Displaced Populations

Exploring the potential of cash-based interventions delivered via mobile wallet
Case Study

Electronic Transfers in Humanitarian Assistance and Uptake of Financial Services: A Synthesis of ELAN Case Studies

Can humanitarian e-transfers contribute to financial inclusion?
Case Study

Can E-transfers Promote Financial Inclusion in Emergencies: A Case Study from Ethiopia

Looking at the use of mobile money among cash transfer recipients
Case Study

Can E-transfers Promote Financial Inclusion in Emergencies: A Case Study from Bangladesh

What are the critical barriers to uptake and usage of mobile money among cash transfer recipients?