All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 15

Case Brief: MIDAGRI

This Case Brief on the Peruvian Ministry for the Development of Agriculture and Irrigation covers the growth of the agriculture insurance program introduced by the ministry.


Redefining Finance for Agriculture: Green Agricultural Credit for Smallholders in Peru

Identifying the gaps and opportunities to scale up green agriculture
Case Study

Guarantee Funds: A Response to Agricultural Credit Risk – The Latin American Guarantee Fund

Assessing the performance of FOGAL, a Latin American guarantee fund

Making Women’s Work Visible: Finance for Rural Women

Designing financial products and services for rural women

The Financial Behavior of Rural Residents: Findings from Five Latin American Countries

Presenting insights into the financial behavior of rural residents in Latin America
Case Study

Titling, Credit Constraints, and Rental Markets in Rural Peru: Exploring Channels and Conditioned Impacts

Assessing the impact of land titling program in Peru

Analyzing and Financing Value Chains: Cutting Edge Developments in Value Chain Analysis

Paper presented at the 3rd African Microfinance Conference

Credit Constraints and Productivity in Peruvian Agriculture

A theoretic and empirical study that measures the impact of credit constraints

Agricultural Insurance Revisited: New Developments and Perspectives in Latin America and the Caribbean

How can agricultural insurance get a foothold in the developing countries?