All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 56
Guide / Toolkit

Rural Women and Financial Inclusion

The purpose of this document is to highlight practical approaches put forward by the sector to guide the work of practitioners in promoting gender-responsive financial inclusion through the design and delivery of appropriate services and products.

Guide / Toolkit

Financial Confidence Playbook

This Playbook offers a design guide for product teams and research organizations focused on digital financial services for the last mile.

Guide / Toolkit

Core Indicators to Measure Financial Health and Inclusion

The aim of this guidance is to facilitate the processes of target setting, action plan design and reporting for banks that have chosen financial health and/or financial inclusion as one of their areas of significant impact.

Guide / Toolkit

Unleashing the Power of Data to Inform Your Business

Toolkit for FSPs: Understanding the different data sources available and how to use them effectively
Guide / Toolkit

Data-Driven Segmentation in Financial Inclusion

How financial services providers can use data analytics to better segment and serve customers
Guide / Toolkit

Using Satellite Data in Financial Inclusion

How service providers can use satellite data and advanced analytics techniques to reach customers
Guide / Toolkit

Credit Scoring in Financial Inclusion

How to use advanced analytics to build credit-scoring models that increase access
Guide / Toolkit

Customer-Centric Guide

Collection of hands-on toolkits and experiments for designing effective financial services
Guide / Toolkit

Customer Empowerment in Finance: Why Greater Choice and Control for Poor Customers is Better for Business and Will Help Achieve Financial Inclusion

Guide for designing actions to give low-income customers choice, respect, voice, and control
Guide / Toolkit

Financial Services Apps in India: How to Improve the User Experience

Practical guide for designing smartphone applications for financial service customers