All Publications

Showing 21 - 30 of 162
Guide / Toolkit

Safer Payment Products for Minors: Guiding Minors Towards Financial Autonomy

Guide to 10 recommended practices in developing payment products for youth

White Paper: A Conceptual Model of Women and Girls' Empowerment

What does the empowerment of women and girls mean for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation?

Young Entrepreneurs in Sub-Saharan Africa

Innovative approaches by Ugandan microfinance institutions to reach out to young entrepreneurs


Youth Economic Opportunity Ecosystem Analysis: Uganda Country Report

Comprehensive assessment of youth employment and demand for financial services

Exploring the Linkages Between Youth Financial Inclusion and Job Creation: Evidence From the ILO School-to-Work Transition Surveys

Analysis of new data on youth access to finance and employment

Youth Economic Opportunity Ecosystem Analysis: Cambodia Country Report

Comprehensive assessment of youth employment and demand for financial services

Youth Economic Opportunity Ecosystem Analysis: Tanzania Country Report

Comprehensive assessment of youth employment and demand for financial services

Youth Economic Opportunity Ecosystem Analysis: The Democratic Republic of the Congo Country Report

Comprehensive assessment of youth employment and demand for financial services

Assessment of the Effects and Behavioural Changes of Financial and Non-Financial Services on Youth

Financial diaries study of 280 YouthStart participants in Togo and Ethiopia

Rural Youth Economic Empowerment Program 2013-2016: Findings from Five Youth-Inclusive Rural Finance Pilot Projects

Examining the successes and shortcomings of financial inclusion programs for rural youth