All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 236

Gender Implications of COVID-19 Outbreaks in Development and Humanitarian Settings

This brief considers the potential impact of the global pandemic on health, food security and nutrition, and economic well-being of women and girls.


Managing Through the COVID-19 Pandemic: How Financial Firms are Responding

The focus of this paper is on how the financial services industry has been responding to date to the pandemic with an emphasis on the role of business continuity plans.

Guide / Toolkit

Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Guidance for Financial Service Providers

Findings from Accion's interviews with partners on how COVID-19 is impacting the financial industry and recommendations for senior leaders to protect their customers, employees, and business operations.

Guide / Toolkit

Savings Group Risk Mitigation, Support, and Engagement in Relation to COVID-19

This guide is intended to help implementers consider how best to support savings groups and their members during COVID-19. The recommendations draw on past experiences working with savings groups during times of crises.


Navigating the Shift to Digital Humanitarian Assistance

Lessons from the International Rescue Commitee’s Experience

Toward Better Resilience During the War Crisis: Case Study of Three Microfinance Institutions in Yemen

Insights on how institutions can leverage better agility in responding to market changes

Microfinance for Disaster Recovery: Lessons From the 2015 Nepal Earthquake

What role can microfinance institutions play in helping the poor recover from disasters?

Mobilising Cash and Voucher Assistance Programmes: The Case for Mobile Money

Recommendations for effective and efficient use of mobile money in humanitarian contexts

The Economic Lives of Young Women in the Time of Ebola

Lessons from an Empowerment Program

Agile Project Management in Non-Software Sectors During Turbulent Times

How can agile project management help enhance the capabilities of microfinance institutions?