All Publications

Showing 1 - 10 of 86
Case Study

Using Pay-for-Results to Catalyze Affordable Housing Development

This case study analyzes the Haiti Homeownership and Mortgage Expansion program’s methodology for designing its Pay-for-Results incentive structure, its results, and lessons learned.


Employment Effects in Impact Investments: Key Insights Emerging Across Studies in Tanzania and in Zimbabwe

The analysis concludes that the investments as part of the joint ILO-EU STRENGHTEN Project triggered an increase in employment numbers along with improved skills of the labor force, management systems of the investee companies, and labor practices.


Measuring Progress: Financial Inclusion in Selected SADC Countries

Working methodology in measuring and evaluating the impact of national financial inclusion strategies

Case Study

Saving Cash, Saving Lives

The experiences of Haitian savings groups during COVID-19


Experiences in Gender-Sensitive Solutions to Collateral Constraints

How the use of non-conventional collateral can contribute to improved access to affordable credit
Case Study

A Client Needs-Centred Approach to Financial Inclusion Measurement

Understanding how and why customers use different types of financial services
Case Study

A Client Needs-Centered Approach to Financial Inclusion Measurement

Innovative financial inclusion data framework focused on customers financial needs

Fonkoze’s CLM Ultra Poverty Programme

Understanding and improving child development and child well-being

Pathways to Sustained Exit From Extreme Poverty

Evidence from Fonkoze’s extreme poverty ‘graduation’ program

Targeting the Ultra-Poor

Lessons from Fonkoze’s Graduation Program in Haiti